Glimmet #0969

Type:rock poison
Height:0.7 m
Weight:8.0 kg
Super Weak To:ground
Weak To:steel water psychic
Normal Damage:fighting rock ghost grass electric ice dragon dark
Resistant To:normal flying bug fire fairy
Super Resistant To:poison
Immune To:
Pokémon Abilities
Toxic-debris: No description available
Corrosion: hidden This Pokémon's moves and item ignore the usual immunity of Poison and Steel Pokémon when attempting to inflict poison.
Pokémon Stats
HP: 48
Attack: 35
Defense: 42
Special-attack: 105
Special-defense: 60
Speed: 60

Pokédex Description

It absorbs nutrients from cave walls. The petals it wears are made of crystallized poison.

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