Bellibolt #0939

Height:1.2 m
Weight:113.0 kg
Super Weak To:
Weak To:ground
Normal Damage:normal fighting poison rock bug ghost fire water grass psychic ice dragon dark fairy
Resistant To:flying steel electric
Super Resistant To:
Immune To:
Pokémon Abilities
Electromorphosis: No description available
Static: Whenever a move makes contact with this Pokémon, the move's user has a 30% chance of being paralyzed. Pokémon that are immune to electric-type moves can still be paralyzed by this ability. Overworld: If the lead Pokémon has this ability, there is a 50% chance that encounters will be with an electric Pokémon, if applicable.
Damp: hidden While this Pokémon is in battle, self destruct and explosion will fail and aftermath will not take effect.
Pokémon Stats
HP: 109
Attack: 64
Defense: 91
Special-attack: 103
Special-defense: 83
Speed: 45

Pokédex Description

When this Pokémon expands and contracts its wobbly body, the belly-button dynamo in its stomach produces a huge amount of electricity.

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