Tarountula #0917

Height:0.3 m
Weight:4.0 kg
Super Weak To:
Weak To:flying rock fire
Normal Damage:normal poison bug ghost steel water electric psychic ice dragon dark fairy
Resistant To:fighting ground grass
Super Resistant To:
Immune To:
Pokémon Abilities
Insomnia: This Pokémon cannot be asleep. This causes rest to fail altogether. If a Pokémon is asleep and acquires this ability, it will immediately wake up; this includes when regaining a lost ability upon leaving battle. This ability functions identically to vital spirit in battle.
Stakeout: hidden This Pokémon's moves have double power against Pokémon that switched in this turn.
Pokémon Stats
HP: 35
Attack: 41
Defense: 45
Special-attack: 29
Special-defense: 40
Speed: 20

Pokédex Description

The ball of threads wrapped around its body is elastic enough to deflect the scythes of Scyther, this Pokémon’s natural enemy.

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