Perrserker #0863

Height:0.8 m
Weight:28.0 kg
Super Weak To:
Weak To:fighting ground fire
Normal Damage:ghost water electric dark
Resistant To:normal flying rock bug steel grass psychic ice dragon fairy
Super Resistant To:
Immune To:poison
Pokémon Abilities
Battle-armor: Moves cannot score critical hits against this Pokémon. This ability functions identically to shell armor.
Tough-claws: Strengthens moves that make contact to 1.33× their power.
Steely-spirit: hidden No description available
Pokémon Stats
HP: 70
Attack: 110
Defense: 100
Special-attack: 50
Special-defense: 60
Speed: 50

Pokédex Description

What appears to be an iron helmet is actually hardened hair. This Pokémon lives for the thrill of battle.

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