Polteageist #0855

Height:0.2 m
Weight:0.4 kg
Super Weak To:
Weak To:ghost dark
Normal Damage:flying ground rock steel fire water grass electric psychic ice dragon fairy
Resistant To:poison bug
Super Resistant To:
Immune To:normal fighting
Pokémon Abilities
Weak-armor: Whenever a physical move hits this Pokémon, its Speed rises one stage and its Defense falls one stage. This ability triggers on every hit of a multiple-hit move.
Cursed-body: hidden Moves that hit this Pokémon have a 30% chance of being Disabled afterward.
Pokémon Stats
HP: 60
Attack: 65
Defense: 65
Special-attack: 134
Special-defense: 114
Speed: 70

Pokédex Description

This species lives in antique teapots. Most pots are forgeries, but on rare occasions, an authentic work is found.

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