Toxtricity #0849

Type:electric poison
Height:1.6 m
Weight:40.0 kg
Super Weak To:ground
Weak To:psychic
Normal Damage:normal rock ghost fire water ice dragon dark
Resistant To:fighting flying poison bug steel grass electric fairy
Super Resistant To:
Immune To:
Pokémon Abilities
Punk-rock: No description available
Plus: This Pokémon has 1.5× its Special Attack if any friendly Pokémon has plus or minus. This bonus does not count as a stat modifier. If either ability is disabled by gastro acid, both lose their effect.
Technician: hidden This Pokémon's moves have 1.5× their power if their base power is 60 or less. This includes moves of variable power, such as hidden power and magnitude, when their power is 60 or less. helping hand's power boost is taken into account for any move, as is defense curl's power boost for rollout.
Pokémon Stats
HP: 75
Attack: 98
Defense: 70
Special-attack: 114
Special-defense: 70
Speed: 75

Pokédex Description

When this Pokémon sounds as if it’s strumming a guitar, it’s actually clawing at the protrusions on its chest to generate electricity.

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