Solgaleo #0791

Type:psychic steel
Height:3.4 m
Weight:230.0 kg
Super Weak To:
Weak To:ground ghost fire dark
Normal Damage:fighting bug water electric
Resistant To:normal flying rock steel grass ice dragon fairy
Super Resistant To:psychic
Immune To:poison
Pokémon Abilities
Full-metal-body: This Pokémon's stats cannot be lowered by other Pokémon's moves or abilities. This effect only applies to normal stat modifications and not more exotic effects such as topsy turvy or power swap. This Ability is not bypassed by mold breaker, teravolt, or turboblaze.
Pokémon Stats
HP: 137
Attack: 137
Defense: 107
Special-attack: 113
Special-defense: 89
Speed: 97

Pokédex Description

It is said to live in another world. The intense light it radiates from the surface of its body can make the darkest of nights light up like midday.

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