Pyukumuku #0771

Height:0.3 m
Weight:1.2 kg
Super Weak To:
Weak To:grass electric
Normal Damage:normal fighting flying poison ground rock bug ghost psychic dragon dark fairy
Resistant To:steel fire water ice
Super Resistant To:
Immune To:
Pokémon Abilities
Innards-out: When this Pokémon faints from an opponent's move, that opponent takes damage equal to the HP this Pokémon had remaining.
Unaware: hidden This Pokémon ignores other Pokémon's stat modifiers for the purposes of damage and accuracy calculation. Effectively, this affects modifiers of every stat except Speed. The power of punishment and stored power is calculated as usual. When this Pokémon hurts itself in confusion, its stat modifiers affect damage as usual.
Pokémon Stats
HP: 55
Attack: 60
Defense: 130
Special-attack: 30
Special-defense: 130
Speed: 5

Pokédex Description

It’s covered in a slime that keeps its skin moist, allowing it to stay on land for days without drying up.

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