Comfey #0764

Height:0.1 m
Weight:0.3 kg
Super Weak To:
Weak To:poison steel
Normal Damage:normal flying ground rock ghost fire water grass electric psychic ice fairy
Resistant To:fighting bug dark
Super Resistant To:
Immune To:dragon
Pokémon Abilities
Flower-veil: Protects friendly grass Pokémon from having their stats lowered by other Pokémon.
Triage: This Pokémon's healing moves have their priority increased by 3.
Natural-cure: hidden This Pokémon is cured of any major status ailment when it is switched out for another Pokémon. If this ability is acquired during battle, the Pokémon is cured upon leaving battle before losing the temporary ability.
Pokémon Stats
HP: 51
Attack: 52
Defense: 90
Special-attack: 82
Special-defense: 110
Speed: 100

Pokédex Description

It attaches flowers to its highly nutritious vine. This revitalizes the flowers, and they give off an aromatic scent.

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