Spritzee #0682

Height:0.2 m
Weight:0.5 kg
Super Weak To:
Weak To:poison steel
Normal Damage:normal flying ground rock ghost fire water grass electric psychic ice fairy
Resistant To:fighting bug dark
Super Resistant To:
Immune To:dragon
Pokémon Abilities
Healer: Friendly Pokémon next to this Pokémon in double and triple battles each have a 30% chance of being cured of any major status ailment after each turn.
Aroma-veil: hidden Protects allies against moves that affect their mental state.
Pokémon Stats
HP: 78
Attack: 52
Defense: 60
Special-attack: 63
Special-defense: 65
Speed: 23

Pokédex Description

It emits a scent that enraptures those who smell it. This fragrance changes depending on what it has eaten.

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