Vullaby #0629

Type:dark flying
Height:0.5 m
Weight:9.0 kg
Super Weak To:
Weak To:rock electric ice fairy
Normal Damage:normal fighting flying poison bug steel fire water dragon
Resistant To:ghost grass dark
Super Resistant To:
Immune To:ground psychic
Pokémon Abilities
Big-pecks: This Pokémon's Defense cannot be lowered by other Pokémon. This Pokémon can still be passed negative Defense modifiers through heart swap or guard swap.
Overcoat: This Pokémon does not take damage from weather.
Weak-armor: hidden Whenever a physical move hits this Pokémon, its Speed rises one stage and its Defense falls one stage. This ability triggers on every hit of a multiple-hit move.
Pokémon Stats
HP: 70
Attack: 55
Defense: 75
Special-attack: 45
Special-defense: 65
Speed: 60

Pokédex Description

Their wings are too tiny to allow them to fly. They guard their posteriors with bones that were gathered by Mandibuzz.

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