Ferroseed #0597

Type:grass steel
Height:0.6 m
Weight:18.8 kg
Super Weak To:fire
Weak To:fighting
Normal Damage:flying ground bug ghost ice dark
Resistant To:normal rock steel water electric psychic dragon fairy
Super Resistant To:grass
Immune To:poison
Pokémon Abilities
Iron-barbs: Whenever a move makes contact with this Pokémon, the move's user takes 1/8 of its maximum HP in damage. This ability functions identically to rough skin.
Pokémon Stats
HP: 44
Attack: 50
Defense: 91
Special-attack: 24
Special-defense: 86
Speed: 10

Pokédex Description

When threatened, it attacks by shooting a barrage of spikes, which gives it a chance to escape by rolling away.

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