Emolga #0587

Type:electric flying
Height:0.4 m
Weight:5.0 kg
Super Weak To:
Weak To:rock ice
Normal Damage:normal poison ghost fire water electric psychic dragon dark fairy
Resistant To:fighting flying bug steel grass
Super Resistant To:
Immune To:ground
Pokémon Abilities
Static: Whenever a move makes contact with this Pokémon, the move's user has a 30% chance of being paralyzed. Pokémon that are immune to electric-type moves can still be paralyzed by this ability. Overworld: If the lead Pokémon has this ability, there is a 50% chance that encounters will be with an electric Pokémon, if applicable.
Motor-drive: hidden Whenever an electric-type move hits this Pokémon, its Speed rises one stage, negating any other effect on it. This ability will not take effect if this Pokémon is immune to Electric moves. Electric moves will ignore this Pokémon's substitute. This effect includes non-damaging moves, i.e. thunder wave.
Pokémon Stats
HP: 55
Attack: 75
Defense: 60
Special-attack: 75
Special-defense: 60
Speed: 103

Pokédex Description

The energy made in its cheeks’ electric pouches is stored inside its membrane and released while it is gliding.

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