Leavanny dress it in clothes they made for it when it hatched. It hides its head in its hood while it is sleeping.
This Pokémon makes clothes for itself. It chews up leaves and sews them with sticky thread extruded from its mouth.
Since this Pokémon makes its own clothes out of leaves, it is a popular mascot for fashion designers.
Since this Pokémon makes its own clothes out of leaves, it is a popular mascot for fashion designers.
This Pokémon makes clothes for itself. It chews up leaves and sews them with sticky thread extruded from its mouth.
Since this Pokémon makes its own clothes out of leaves, it is a popular mascot for fashion designers.
This Pokémon makes clothes for itself. It chews up leaves and sews them with sticky thread extruded from its mouth.
Since this Pokémon makes its own clothes out of leaves, it is a popular mascot for fashion designers.