Bibarel #0400

Type:normal water
Height:1.0 m
Weight:31.5 kg
Super Weak To:
Weak To:fighting grass electric
Normal Damage:normal flying poison ground rock bug psychic dragon dark fairy
Resistant To:steel fire water ice
Super Resistant To:
Immune To:ghost
Pokémon Abilities
Simple: Each stage of this Pokémon's stat modifiers acts as two stages. These doubled stages are still limited to a minimum of -6 and a maximum of 6. This Pokémon can still accumulate less than -3 or more than 3 stages of stat modifiers, even though the extra ones have no effect after doubling.
Unaware: This Pokémon ignores other Pokémon's stat modifiers for the purposes of damage and accuracy calculation. Effectively, this affects modifiers of every stat except Speed. The power of punishment and stored power is calculated as usual. When this Pokémon hurts itself in confusion, its stat modifiers affect damage as usual.
Moody: hidden After each turn, one of this Pokémon's stats at random rises two stages, and another falls one stage. If a stat is already at 6 or -6 stages, it will not be chosen to be increased or decreased, respectively.
Pokémon Stats
HP: 79
Attack: 85
Defense: 60
Special-attack: 55
Special-defense: 60
Speed: 71

Pokédex Description

It makes its nest by damming streams with bark and mud. It is known as an industrious worker.

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