Groudon #0383

Height:3.5 m
Weight:950.0 kg
Super Weak To:
Weak To:water grass ice
Normal Damage:normal fighting flying ground bug ghost steel fire psychic dragon dark fairy
Resistant To:poison rock
Super Resistant To:
Immune To:electric
Pokémon Abilities
Drought: The weather changes to strong sunlight when this Pokémon enters battle and does not end unless cancelled by another weather condition. If multiple Pokémon with this ability, drizzle, sand stream, or snow warning are sent out at the same time, the abilities will activate in order of Speed, respecting trick room. Each ability's weather will cancel the previous weather, and only the weather summoned by the slowest of the Pokémon will stay.
Pokémon Stats
HP: 100
Attack: 150
Defense: 140
Special-attack: 100
Special-defense: 90
Speed: 90

Pokédex Description

GROUDON has long been described in mythology as the POKéMON that raised lands and expanded continents. This POKéMON took to sleep after a cataclysmic battle with KYOGRE.

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