Numel #0322

Type:fire ground
Height:0.7 m
Weight:24.0 kg
Super Weak To:water
Weak To:ground
Normal Damage:normal fighting flying rock ghost grass psychic ice dragon dark
Resistant To:poison bug steel fire fairy
Super Resistant To:
Immune To:electric
Pokémon Abilities
Oblivious: This Pokémon cannot be infatuated and is immune to captivate. If a Pokémon is infatuated and acquires this ability, its infatuation is cleared.
Simple: Each stage of this Pokémon's stat modifiers acts as two stages. These doubled stages are still limited to a minimum of -6 and a maximum of 6. This Pokémon can still accumulate less than -3 or more than 3 stages of stat modifiers, even though the extra ones have no effect after doubling.
Own-tempo: hidden This Pokémon cannot be confused. If a Pokémon is confused and acquires this ability, its confusion will immediately be healed.
Pokémon Stats
HP: 60
Attack: 60
Defense: 40
Special-attack: 65
Special-defense: 45
Speed: 35

Pokédex Description

NUMEL is extremely dull witted - it doesn’t notice being hit. However, it can’t stand hunger for even a second. This POKéMON’s body is a seething cauldron of boiling magma.

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