Pineco #0204

Height:0.6 m
Weight:7.2 kg
Super Weak To:
Weak To:flying rock fire
Normal Damage:normal poison bug ghost steel water electric psychic ice dragon dark fairy
Resistant To:fighting ground grass
Super Resistant To:
Immune To:
Pokémon Abilities
Sturdy: When this Pokémon is at full HP, any hit that would knock it out will instead leave it with 1 HP. Regardless of its current HP, it is also immune to the one-hit KO moves: fissure, guillotine, horn drill, and sheer cold. If this Pokémon is holding a focus sash, this ability takes precedence and the item will not be consumed.
Overcoat: hidden This Pokémon does not take damage from weather.
Pokémon Stats
HP: 50
Attack: 65
Defense: 90
Special-attack: 35
Special-defense: 35
Speed: 15

Pokédex Description

It likes to make its shell thicker by adding layers of tree bark. The additional weight doesn't bother it.

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