Cloyster #0091

Type:water ice
Height:1.5 m
Weight:132.5 kg
Super Weak To:
Weak To:fighting rock grass electric
Normal Damage:normal flying poison ground bug ghost steel fire psychic dragon dark fairy
Resistant To:water
Super Resistant To:ice
Immune To:
Pokémon Abilities
Shell-armor: Moves cannot score critical hits against this Pokémon. This ability functions identically to battle armor.
Skill-link: This Pokémon always hits five times with two-to-five-hit moves, such as icicle spear. It also bypasses the accuracy checks on triple kick's second and third hits.
Overcoat: hidden This Pokémon does not take damage from weather.
Pokémon Stats
HP: 50
Attack: 95
Defense: 180
Special-attack: 85
Special-defense: 45
Speed: 70

Pokédex Description

When attacked, it launches its horns in quick volleys. Its innards have never been seen.

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