Farfetch’d #0083

Type:normal flying
Height:0.8 m
Weight:15.0 kg
Super Weak To:
Weak To:rock electric ice
Normal Damage:normal fighting flying poison steel fire water psychic dragon dark fairy
Resistant To:bug grass
Super Resistant To:
Immune To:ground ghost
Pokémon Abilities
Keen-eye: This Pokémon cannot have its accuracy lowered. This ability does not prevent any accuracy losses other than stat modifiers, such as the accuracy cut from fog; nor does it prevent other Pokémon's evasion from making this Pokémon's moves less accurate. This Pokémon can still be passed negative accuracy modifiers through heart swap. Overworld: If the first Pokémon in the party has this ability, any random encounter with a Pokémon five or more levels lower than it has a 50% chance of being skipped.
Inner-focus: This Pokémon cannot flinch.
Defiant: hidden When any of this Pokémon's stats are lowered, its Attack rises by two stages. If multiple stats are lowered at once, this ability takes effect with each stat lowered.
Pokémon Stats
HP: 52
Attack: 90
Defense: 55
Special-attack: 58
Special-defense: 62
Speed: 60

Pokédex Description

The sprig of green onions it holds is its weapon. It is used much like a metal sword.

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